Tag Archives: sue johanson

STRANGE SEX TOYS: The Pogo Stick Dildo Thing (aka The Fantasy Glide)

9 Apr

fantasy glide fucking machine

pogo tweet


Last week I posted on twitter about a strange new product I had just gotten in at the porn shop where I work. I received more than a few @replies asking about it but I got really busy and anyways, it is hard to describe this thing in a mere 140 characters. The strange contraption in question is Pipedream Product’s “Fetish Fantasy Glide” and it is basically a spring loaded pogo-type stick with interchangeable dildos with which to fuck yourself. I did a little cursory research on the google machine for some more information and found this clip from the tv show “Talk Sex with Sue Johanson“. I am writing this blog at 2am and I think right now this adorable grandma and all around awesome lady can do a much better job explaining how the Fantasy Glide works better than I ever could.


I opened the Fantasy Glide up at work the other day to try and get a better idea of how the thing works and I’m still not really sure how I feel about it. I keep bouncing between. between “kind of interesting” and “kind of creepy” – I’m going to go with an equal mixture of both. What do you think?

fantasy glide fucking machine

Intrigued? The Fetish Fantasy Glide can be yours for a mere $117.57 over at sextoyfun.com.

fantasy glide fucking machine

Oh and p.s., I tried looking for a video of it in use to show you guys but only found one of a dude using it on his butt and I didn’t think most of you would want to see that. So if you happen to come across any other Fantasy Glide videos please put the link a comment.