Archive | March, 2010

I’ve been a horrible blogger

31 Mar

…so here is a picture of my new bra to make up for it.

In other news, still no cable or internet but I am slowly getting more motivated to get this site updated much more regularly again.

Faye Reagan, much better than green beer!

17 Mar

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, here are some freaking hot pictures of one of my absolute favorite gingers in porn, the gorgeous Faye Reagan!

Just click on the pictures to view the whole set in hi-res!


All this porn stuff is making me sleepy.

12 Mar

I took this video at the AEE convention last year in Vegas. I had some free time so I wandered the conference floor, filming all the weird stuff I saw with my little camera when I stumbled across this gem. I’m not quite sure how it happened, since the noise at AEE was almost deafening at times, but this poor dude had fallen asleep in a chair with a JERK-OFF MACHINE (!!!!) feverishly pumping at his crotch. There was a small crowd around him oogling and laughing at the sight and he didn’t even know it was going on.

Anyways, here’s the video… enjoy!

i’m baaaaaaaaaack

2 Mar

Hey internet, sorry for the lack of posts recently. My personal life got a little crazy.  My housemate decided she wanted the place to herself and her boyfriend so they could make babies or something, so I sort of got kicked out. I spent all my free time for 2 weeks scouring craigslist for places and finding nothing but shitty apartment and deadbeat landlords who wouldn’t return a call. But then last week I found the perfect place. Hallelujah… my application was accepted and even though I wasn’t ready at all, I packed up all my stuff in 2 days and moved into my new house on Sunday.

I’m renting a quintessential “Old Florida” house and I am SOOOOOOOOOOO happy. It was originally built in the early 1900s but has a newly renovated kitchen (granite counters and stainless steel appliances, what what!!) and bathroom. Oh and central A/C too which is unheard of in older houses down here. I’ve got hardwood floors, 2 bedrooms, a dining room with exposed beams in the ceiling and a serious 1/s acre compound that looks like a tropical oasis. Once the weather warms up I definitely want to set up some sort of photoshoot in my yard.

What I don’t have is internet service, so it might be a little while before I start updating the site again regularly – I spent basically all my money getting the place and moving so right now I’m stuck tethering my droid to my laptop. It’s not ideal but it is better than nothing!

I can’t wait to show you pictures of the place once I’m all unpacked. Right now my house is sort of a maze of boxes and I’m still trying to figure out where I’m going to put everything!

I feel bad asking this… but if there was ever a time you thought “Hmm, Josie is so cool, i should buy her a present” now is really the time to act on that urge. I’m pretty broke from all the moving expenses and there is still a fair amount of stuff I still need for the place. I added some stuff to my Amazon Wishlist or you can paypal me some $ to [email protected] to help me pay for stuff that I can’t really add to a wishlist, like kitchen stuff from Ikea and cooking ingredients I’m missing and a stupid deposit for my electricity. I will be sending personalized “Thank You!!!!!” pictures to everyone that helps me out.

Oh and p.s. if you won my xmas blu-ray contest, I found all the packages with your movies that I swore I remembered to mail out, unmailed and hiding under a box in my trunk when I was unpacking. So yeah, once I’m all settled her at the new place I will send them out for real this time, along with some extra stuff for me being a bad contest-maker. Sorry for the delay. I suck :(